Ski Stop #13 of 42 - Big Bam Ski Hill

65 km north to the Peace River valley outside of Taylor - and the most northern ski stop on our tour, Big Bam Ski Hill - on Cree, Beaver, Métis, and Dënéndeh territory. The ski area opened in 1973 and served 500 people daily on the T-Bar and Handle Tow, back in its heyday. Unfortunately, the lower bank caved in and the T-Bar was forced to be removed. The Handle Tow is still there, but - unfortunately for us - this year there was very little snow to be found in the area. 

The good news about Big Bam's 55 metres (180 ft) is that we only had 55 metres to hike. We weren't about to let sparse snow get in the way of skiing our most northern stop. So we hoofed it up. There was some brush to deal with and we joked that maybe we should have been skiing on HEAD KORE 105's for the day, but we found a couple fun lines to ski down on.

They have big plans for summer operations and camping at Big Bam - but we're sure hoping that they bring back some skiing too. Their location, peering down over the Peace River, is beautiful and the students in Taylor and Fort St. John sure could use a local place to ski and board. 

The hike up went well, we found good runs to come down on, and we got some big smiles going while we were skiing on some pretty barren terrain. Set to Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks, you can see the video summary of our day at Big Bam here: Big Bam Recap Video.

You can listen to the entire Skädi Tour Playlist of Canadian artists on Spotify: Skädi Tour Playlist.  
